Unemployment is a major social problem. The Bengali word bekarotto (বেকারত্ব ) is derived from the English word unemployment. When a person is unable to find work despite the desire or ability to work, it is called unemployment. There are different types of unemployment such as:

Compulsory unemployment:

Compulsory unemployment is when a person looks for work but does not get any work, this type of unemployment is called  compulsory unemployment.

Structural unemployment:

This type of unemployment occurs when the skills required for a job do not match the skills of the interested candidates. This type of unemployment occurs when the skills required for a job do not match the skills of the interested candidates.

Disguised unemployment:                                                         

If there are more workers than required workers in a job, it is called disguised unemployment.

Conflict Unemployment:

When new work is introduced, inexperienced employees become unemployed, and this situation is called conflict unemployment.

Seasonal unemployment

Seasonal unemployment refers to being off work at certain times            of the year.

Educated unemployment:                                                           

When an educated person does not get the job he wants despite being fit or skilled for the job, it is called educated unemployment.

Technical Unemployment:

Due to the use of modern labor saving technology in the workplace, some workers become unemployed. This is called technical unemployment.

Cyclical unemployment:

When workers start working formally without a contract, it is called cyclical unemployment.


The number of unemployed in the country is increasing day by day. It has increased more this year than last year. Currently, the number of unemployed people in Bangladesh is 25 lakh 90 thousand.

Which is 2 lakh 70 thousand more than the last three months of 2022. In December 2022, the number of unemployed people was 23 lakh 20 thousand. During this period, the employment decreased the most in the agricultural sector.

In December last year, 3 crore 23 lakh people were engaged in agriculture, but in March this year, it stood at 3 crore 19 lakh. At the end of March this year, the total number of labor force in the country stood at 7 crore 36 lakh 90 thousand. Out of the 7 crore 11 lakh employed manpower, the number of men is 4 crore 65 lakh 40 thousand and the number of women is 2 crore 45 lakh 60 thousand.

If considered from the economic point of view, the main two causes of this problem in Bangladesh are:

Population growth and

Lack of capital

Apart from these two reasons, there are many other reasons for this problem in Bangladesh, some of the important reasons are discussed below:

Population Growth: 

Employment growth rate is very negligible compared to population growth in Bangladesh.

Defective education system:

The education system of Bangladesh is not vocational.

Political Instability:

Due to political instability, the country is deprived of foreign investment, therefore, the factories   are not being built, so employment is not being created in this country.

Lack of Capital:                                                                                     

As the per capita income of the people of this country is very low, so the saving rate is also low. Due to which the investment is also low.

Lack of technical knowledge:

In Bangladesh, the demand for skilled workers increases due to the industrialization process dependent on foreign technology, but due to the lack of technical knowledge, it is not possible to supply skilled workers in that proportion. As a result unskilled workers become unemployed.

Employment Ordinance:                                                     

Sometimes the government issues Employment Ordinance. Due to which the recruitment in  government jobs in the country is stopped. As a result, the problem becomes more complex.

Underdeveloped agricultural system:

Most of the people of Bangladesh are directly or indirectly dependent on agriculture. And the  agricultural system of this country is so developed. As our agriculture in this country is dependent  on monsoon. Therefore, if the rainfall is less, the cultivation is disrupted. As a result, it also increases.

Lack of cottage industry: 

Domestic raw material and technology dependent cottage industry has not expanded in this country. And those that exist are on the verge of extinction due to lack of capital. Therefore, one of   the reasons for the increase in unemployment in this country is the almost extinction of cottage industries.


It is very difficult for a poor country like Bangladesh to deal with it with limited resources. It is not possible to solve this problem without a long and realistic plan. The following steps can be taken to remedy this problem in Bangladesh

Increase in employment in agriculture:

It is possible to increase the rate of employment in agriculture by changing the structure of land ownership, fair distribution of land, use of advanced technology in agriculture and production of different types of crops.

Employment in Education:

This problem can be solved by setting up cottage industries and large-scale industries.

Change in Education System:                                                           

By changing the education system and introducing productive and practical education system, it can be eliminated.

Expansion of women’s education and creation of employment opportunities:

The number of unemployed can be reduced through the   expansion of women’s education and the creation of appropriate employment institutions.

Increase in overseas employment: 

There is a need to train and send a large portion of our unemployed manpower abroad.

Population Control:                                                                             

To solve this problem, population growth must be controlled. Because employment is not increasing in pace with population growth in our country.

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